What I’m about to reveal to you, are some of the most closely guarded secrets about, snubbing the economy in your area, putting a choke hold on ANY corporate dental competitors in your area and stimulating your own personal economy.

Your investment today, is only $495.

(PLUS….I guarantee you’ll make at least $15,000, in the next 12 months
by using this system, or get your money back, no questions asked. )


Hi. My name is Graig Presti, CEO of and I’ve been working with Dentists and helping them grow their practices quickly and equitably for over 10 years.

But I’m not here today to talk about me.

Kevin Flood

Dr. Kevin Flood, Grand Rapids, MI

I’m here to talk about a general dentist from Grand Rapids, Michigan who did something to get new patients that was SO RIDICULOUSLY remarkable…

When I heard about what he did I immediately flew to Grand Rapids to see it for myself. And what I discovered was even more mind-blowing than I expected.

You see, Dr. Kevin Flood is a general dentist from Grand Rapids, Michigan.

For years, he struggled (like nearly every dentist I’ve ever spoken to) to consistently get new patients, and reactivations to come to his practice every month.

Like most dentists, he’d have great months, followed by those dreaded and stressful, not so great months.

And even what we all call slow months.

10 years ago, Kevin made the decision to get off that treadmill. And unlike most dentists in Grand Rapids, Michigan…he stayed off that treadmill.

You’re probably asking yourself the same thing I did.

“How the heck did he do it?”

How did a long time, “barely average” dentist in a horribly under employed, over worked, hyper-competitive town “roller coaster” to “smooth sailing” almost overnight.

Well I’ll tell you what I saw with my own two eyes once I hit the ground in Grand Rapids and went to his office in a minute.

But first, let me tell you that I’m someone who teaches ALL my clients and who personally believes 110% in marketing.

In fact, I’m one of those rare people in dentistry that actually lives, breathes, and even dreams about two things…MARRYING marketing and the highest level of patient care.

I’ve tested every ad and marketing concept out there. Not once or twice, but in many cases thirty, forty, even fifty times, before getting it right.

And I confess, Kevin Flood is the FIRST dentist I’ve ever met who was as PASSIONATE about this marriage of MARKETING and PATIENT CARE as I am.

In fact, while most dentists were crying about the economy, getting SMASHED by the corporate dental invasion and riding the new patient and income roller coaster month after month, over the past 10 years.

Kevin quietly invented and implemented what I’m now calling my 12-Month Dental Marketing Calendar.

And WOW, does it work! Over the past 10 years, it helped him produce more than $7.4 million in dentistry. That’s 7 MILLION with an “M”.

Oh and one thing I forgot to mention….

20 minutes after I walked in Kevin’s office, bought the rights to his entire marketing machine. Yep. That’s right I own the ENTIRE THING lock, stock and barrel… And that’s why I’m here talking with you today.

If you’re trying to figure out, how to get more new patients, or how to reactivate old ones. Stop the guess work, and read carefully over the next few minutes. As I reveal step-by-step what Kevin created.

How my team made it EVEN BETTER.

And how “The 12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0” actually works.

Whether you’re in small town, podunk, economically depressed, nowhere, USA or if you’re in a dog-eat-dog corporate raiders on every corner urban jungle…

My “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0” has answers for you that you didn’t even know the questions for.

But if you’re impatient, like most dentists, I’ll tell you in one word, why it works so well.


It’s not rocket science. And they certainly don’t teach this in dental school.

And all of the so called marketing gurus are completely clueless about it, but that is why the “Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0” is so successful. By consistently taking advantage of every “Marketing Holiday” that 99% of dentists don’t even think about.

Think of Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Fourth of July etc. Kevin’s practice grew by a minimum of 20% every year, even in HUGE recession years in the economically depressed “Detroit Area”.

Now compare this to most dentists, who dabble in marketing only a few times a year, (or not at all) and wonder why it doesn’t work.

This is why I do NOT want you to share this page; because it contains some of my most closely guarded marketing secrets, that have helped me help my clients (and Kevin) dominate their communities.

And why my clients have more word of mouth referrals, than any other dentist in their areas. And it will deliver the exact same results to the 50 dentists, that I’m looking for, to use it in their market. I’m not looking for 500 dentists, or even 100.

I only want 50. A small enough group that I can work with intimately. To show someone on your team, how to implement each and every marketing piece, inside my “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0”.

But know this.

After 10 years of tweaking & testing, it’s so easy to implement now, that my team can train a monkey to do it. I’ll show you or a staff member, everything you need to succeed. Actually, it’ll be simple.

All you have to do is, plug it in.

And you too will attract and maintain, a consistent flow of quality new patients, month after month. I guarantee it.

I don’t want you spending like a drunken sailor either. In fact, if you can’t do this on basically on a shoe string budget you’re doing it TOTALLY WRONG.

And don’t worry I won’t let that happen.

I use simple, but brilliant marketing pieces, that fly directly in the face of fancy high-priced marketing. I do it to attract a predictable flow of quality new patients, every single month.

The 50 dentists that decide to come with me, on the next 12 months of marketing, will discover a secret collection of “ready-to-use ads”, direct mail and promotions.

All of them displaying clutter-busting strategies, proven to attract patients with money.

No matter what kind of practice you have, I’ll show you how to create irresistible offers, that magnetically and consistently attract past and new patients, every single month.

Now these are proven 1-2-3 marketing strategies that are easy to implement. The 50 dentists, who go with me on this marketing journey, will see results in your bank account within only 30 days (OR LESS). It’s guaranteed.

Okay now, let me tell you about me. I’m an R.O.I. (Return On Investment) guy. So I know that attracting new patients costs at least 5 times more than it costs to get back lost patients. You’ve probably heard that too. Well I heard it.

That statistic drove me to develop, a proven plan to win inactive patients back.

And since I cracked that reactivation code, there’s not a dentist in the world, who has a higher patient retention rate than my clients do.

The 50 dentists who come with me, will get to tap into the power of marketing, to this lucrative group of patients that most dentists neglect, or are only doing it 50% right.

Let me let you in on the biggest secret I have learned. Wealth comes from knowing what other dentists do NOT know.

Doing what every other dentists does, gets you what they get, mediocre results at best. Now let me ask you something…..

Do you ever struggle to come up with fresh new marketing ideas, for your practice?

Have you ever been frustrated by the disappointing results of a marketing promotion, where you had invested a lot of time and money?

Stop trying to figure it all out. I’ve got the shortcuts all figured out for you. It’s called…

The “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0”

Your investment today, is only $495.

(PLUS….I guarantee you’ll make at least $15,000, in the next 12 months by using this system, or get your money back. )


Now let me tell you about it in some detail…

It’s not some cookie cutter marketing crap that you’ve seen and tried before. You’re not going to zip through it once, put it on a shelf, and then never go back to it.

No way. You’ll use it month after month, year after year. And I guarantee that your production and profits will dramatically increase.

In fact, each module is 100% guaranteed to put more profit in your pocket than ANY ONE THING you’ve ever tried before. And I’m gonna tell you more about HOW I’m going to guarantee that in just a second.

Again, this system is not some fluff you get from a marketing guru, or some practice management consultant. I’ve seen all that crap. My clients have seen all that non-sense.

Kevin spent YEARS losing money and stressed out because of all that non-sense.

It’s either impossible to implement, or too cookie cutter for your practice.

This is a real world 100% tested system, that Kevin discovered “on-the-ground” in a REAL practice in the WORST possible environment and it’s been churning out HUGE numbers of new patients for Kevin and my personal clients for over TEN YEARS!

It’s delivered more bread and butter dentistry, plus some mega cases that would make most dentists blush. And I guarantee that it will do the exact same for you, as it did for Kevin and as its doing for dentists all over the WORLD.

Heck it might do even better for YOU.

And please don’t sing me the song about your practice being different, or your area is different. After all the first “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint” brought in over 7 MILLION dollars all by itself.


You couldn’t go to the grocery store without seeing MULTIPLE people you knew living hand to mouth with NO JOB! It was just terrible. Kevin confided in me that there were times he was brought to tears the community was so decimated.

But while every dentist in his town was whining because of “the economy” and pulling back their marketing dollars. Kevin realized in ALL economies there’s what I call a “New Patient Vacuum”.

Something not 1 in 1000 dentists is capitalizing on right now.

But you can. And the way you’ll do it is by having a pre-planned 12-month game plan, to consistently be in front of new patients.

And be top of mind for any and all of your patients when they’re asked to refer a dentist.

In taking the 12-month calendar approach my clients take advantage of every Marketing Holiday that 99% of dentists don’t even think about. I talked about some of them earlier, but let’s go over a quick overview of these money making modules.

  • Hygiene Reactivation.
  • Pediatric Patients.
  • People who get divorced, but have money.
  • Valentine’s Day.
  • St. Patrick’s Day.
  • Easter.
  • Mother’s Day.
  • Father’s Day.
  • 4th of July.
  • Back to school.
  • Halloween.
  • Thanksgiving.
  • Christmas. Hanukkah. Even Kwanzaa.

And this is how Kevin amassed over $7.4 million in arguably the most depressed economic area in the US in nearly 100 years.

It’s all production tied directly to my “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0”.

You talk about under the radar. I’ve got an April lost patient activation campaign. It’s so good that over the past 5 years, I have tracked a 99% open rate. You never get that.

That’s where the inactive patient is, virtually guaranteed to open it when they receive it. The first year we ran this campaign, we made 63 hygiene appointments. This year we had 106 inactive patients, call to schedule appointments. And more than a dozen of them were really nice cases, not just prophys.

Now you want more proof? Most dentists are simply hoping they will have a good December. Now the truth is that “hope”, is TERRIBLE business strategy. So I designed what I call the “End of the year Dental ATM Machine”

Happy patients. More production.It’s a system that has brought in as much as an extra $100,000 and as little as an extra $20,000 in EVERY practice it’s been executed in EVERY December! It produces on average over $70,000, in production every December.

Now if that sounds good, just wait until you see how easy it is to implement. Imagine bringing in so many patients, that you have to slip these eager patients into January, because December is already full.

This is what really happens. Your phone lines will literally be jammed, with patients eager to give you money.

Not only does this guarantee a great December, but it is a perfect set up for a great start, to the New Year with a full schedule in January as well.

Okay. So I know there’s some doctors reading who are saying. “That’s great for the dentist who wants his phone lines flooded with patients, but that’s not really for me”. And I get that. My answer to you would simply be don’t use it.

Remember this is CUSTOMIZED to suit whatever needs YOU have. I WANT you to “cherry pick” through “The 12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0”, and use the pieces that you want.

REAL TALK TIME…. no matter how successful you get… Every dentist has unscheduled treatment plans, collecting dust in their office, and this system can get them started in any month.

But let me be crystal clear. The key to this system making you millions of dollars over the rest of your life is, Consistency.

Now if you see families. I included a “back to school campaign” that has consistently brought in $50,000 every August.

This year it brought in $77,211.

And this was supposed to be (ANOTHER) tough year, for dentists with the economy, politics, etc.

My “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint” was designed to stop the slow months, the tough year, and all of the other excuses that dentists, run through their minds. To rationalize why they aren’t having a great year.

Most dentists don’t consistently target the new movers (the RIGHT way), moving into the proximity of your dental practice.

Again, the key word is consistency (and RIGHT).

And the dentists that do are using outdated marketing created for BOOM economy psychology, and they wonder why they don’t work anymore. Now look, the bottom line is that people, who need dentistry, are moving into your area 12 months a year.

And if you don’t have a proven new economy, tested system to attract them with, another dentist who honestly probably isn’t half as good as you, is gonna get these new patients.

My “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint” has a New Mover module that exposes my most closely guarded secrets of direct mail profits utilizing time tested, proven methods, for generating leads. And then converting these leads, into new patients.

It’s guaranteed.

money-backNow let’s talk about a hole in the bucket that almost every dentist has.

It’s one of the GUARANTEED ways you upset and lose patients… when you’re trying to collect money from them.

Nearly every dentist either NEVER learns this lesson or learns it the hard way.

However, the “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0” has an incredibly PAINLESS system to implement and turn this problem into an OPPORTUNITY.

The bottom line is that, especially in this economy, many of your patients are facing dire economic choices. And often they will put your treatment plan on the bottom of the bill pile.

Yep the back burner, regardless of what they said previously. So “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0” has its own proprietary system that gets your patients calling you, apologizing for putting you off, and making sure that you will still take them as patients. I’m not kidding.

For this specific topic, I paid an A level direct response copywriter, more than $8,000 to develop a series of letters, that will actually get your patients to call you, apologize and gratefully pay.

Your investment today, is only $495.

(PLUS….I guarantee you’ll make at least $15,000, in the next 12 months by using this system, or get your money back. )


You’ll even get calls from patients with open treatment plans, apologizing for delaying. Actually asking if they can start their treatment that same day they get the letter.

What dental practice doesn’t need that tool, in this economy?

Here’s another “Marketing Holiday” most dentists don’t have a clue on, how to capitalize on….

Valentine’s Day. My Valentine’s Day campaign enters the conversation, the reader already has going on in their heads. We’ve tested and proved that, with not just singles and married couples. I’ve taken it one step further.

“The 12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint “has its own series of Valentine’s Day letters and cards, designed to give the newly divorced “that smile they deserve and desire.” In order to find that special someone, now that they are alone.”.

And it out performs the single and married pieces, by a 10-1 margin. And half of those cases involve restorative work. Now that’s marketing, with a message to market match. And that’s what you’ll get with the

“12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0”.

I know that some doctors watching might be saying…

“Okay that sounds great, but my front desk person will screw this up when they call.” And BELIEVE me, I’ve seen this happen with clients far more times than I care to admit.

So instead of rolling on the floor crying and screaming… I developed a simple phone script that’s designed, to use with EVERY module in this system. A script designed so effectively, that patients feel happy your staff answers their questions, on an inbound call.

Or happy you reached out to them, on an outbound call.

We developed powerful proven script just for the “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0” that allows your staff to be prepared for any questions, or scenarios. It’s so well crafted, that this script can be used for any marketing campaign. It’s really that good.

Look, first Kevin spent $50k of his own money and even AFTER I bought the system from him I spent over$100,000 ADDITIONAL hiring ninja level copywriters, sharpen the blade to RAZOR sharp on every ad, and letter, and phone script. And this is key. I OWN full rights to this content, and all the writers involved have been sworn to secrecy by law.

And I’m making this available to just 50 more dentists, to use royalty free, month after month, year after year. Until you retire or sell your practice. If you’d like to have the “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0” system on a silver platter laid out for you, so you don’t need to think, turn- key, just plug and play.

Something that’s been tested and proven, to bring in over $7.5 million dollars’ worth of dentistry, then this system is for you.

The bottom line is that, most of the dental marketing that is cluttering the entire industry, those programs don’t get it. And your patients won’t respond because, they are not only boring, but they don’t activate the psychological triggers, that the “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0” does.

Here’s EXACTLY What You Get In Your 12 Month Marketing Calendar 2.0!

Marketing Calendar #1

The new movers.

The key to the success of this campaign is to begin your mailings to your new movers after they have been in their house for at least 6 months. I found a significant response increase by waiting until the new movers were settled rather than mailing as soon as they had moved.

There are four letters and a postcard.

A copy of the gift certificate is sent with each letter.

There are 4 letters and two postcards for a six month follow up.

You could also insert a call from your staff at any time in the sequence. A killer script is included.

Marketing Calendar #2

The Divorce Campaign

This campaign is designed to identify a segment of the population-divorced women- who for a time in their life’s are very motivated to improve their image.

Couple this with Valentine’s Day; not only is the prospect motivated by her own desires but the unconscious marketing of being with the one you love on Valentine’s Day really reinforces that desire to find a new man by looking her best.

Marketing Calendar #3

The Pedodontic Program

All I’m going to say About this campaign is I GUARANTEE you’ve never seen nor done ANYTHING that comes even CLOSE to producing this kind of VOLUME of REFERRED Pedodontic patients.

Marketing Calendar #4

The Reactivation Campaign

This has always been the best reactivation campaign year in and year out.

Marketing Calendar #5

The Missed Perio Campaign

This campaign is designed to address the missed periopatient as soon as they miss an appointment.

This is a tremendously productive postcard campaign spread over a 4 week period. It will produce more Perio production than you’ve EVER imagined possible from missed appointments. I guarantee it.

Marketing Calendar #6

The Unconverted Campaign

This campaign reactivates patients that received a treatment plan but never went ahead with treatment.

You never knew how much income was locked up inpatients saying “no”. What this campaign revealed to me was that patients who get treatment plans but don’t start… ACTUALLY WANT to start… they’re just waiting for YOU to give them a REASON!

Marketing Calendar #7

The Collections With Kindness Campaign Receivables are a huge source of LOSS for most practices and that’s because if you’re collecting receivables like a bill collector you’re doing it wrong.

This campaign takes ALL the pressure off.

Three letters to inform and motivate your patients to HAPPILY pay you. Especially in this economy it is important to get your money but it is also important to realize that people get laid off, downsized, or they were faced with pay cuts or being laid off.


IF you handle it right.

This campaign lets you handle it RIGHT!

Marketing Calendar #8

The Back-To-School Campaign

This is a campaign that easily enters the conversation going on in the heads of your prospects-going back to school.

This is a great campaign that can also benefit from any radio promotions that you are doing with the September Invisible Braces Contest for a new smile.

Marketing Calendar #9

The September Back To School Invisible Braces Campaign

I have successfully run this program four times. I have made as high as 27 dollars to every dollar invested I’ve made many mistakes along the line and the information in this module will save you a lot of time and money. In fact I can confidently say this information alone would pay for the price of this product.

Marketing Calendar #10

The October Halloween Candy Buy Back Campaign. This is a guaranteed magnet from the local press.

I have been on TV shows, interviewed for radios live, and interviewed by local reporters for their columns.

There is a proven press release included in this campaign.

Even if you have TEN other dentists in your area doing a candy buyback I guarantee, with THIS campaign you’ll have 10x the amount of exposure and engagement from both patients, new patients the media and your community

Marketing Calendar #11

The Client Thank You Campaign

If ever there was a way to get paid just for saying “thank you”…. then THIS is it.

You never imagined that just a simple expression of gratitude toward your patients could get you THIS much engagement and fill your appointment schedule THIS much!

Marketing Calendar #12

The End of the Year ATM System

This is a campaign designed to reach out to people who were given treatment plans but did not start treatment.

It’s a system that has brought in as much as an extra $100,000 and as little as an extra $20,000 in EVERY practice it’s been executed in EVERY December! It produces on average over $70,000, in production every December.

Now here’s another thing. If you tried to do all of this on your own, you’d easily spend thousands of dollars, on a cookie cutter postcard system. Or maybe you’re a do it your selfer, who likes to write your own marketing. Only to possibly still have it fail. But if you make the cut into my special “Fifty Doctor Only VIP Group”. You won’t pay $10,000. You won’t pay $5,000. Heck, you won’t even pay $2,000.

Your investment today, is only $495.

(PLUS….I guarantee you’ll make at least $15,000, in the next 12 months by using this system, or get your money back. )


So how much is it?

What if I told you it costs nothing? By many standards, that’s absolutely true. Even if you hire a local advertising copywriter, some unproven hack from Craigslist. You’ll pay at bare minimum, a few hundred dollars to get just one ad, or cheap postcard campaign started. And it won’t be proven and tested to work, like my system is. So it will almost certainly fail.

My system pays for itself, the very first time you do anything with it. …But more importantly, I’ll give you a special, extra guarantee, a double guarantee. This isn’t some ordinary satisfaction guarantee. I guarantee your profits. You’ll get my uniform 12 month, unconditional satisfaction guarantee.

Now here is the only condition.

If at the end of a full year, from your purchase, you want a refund. Just show me proof that you did something, anything, used just one measly system or strategy. And tell me that you didn’t put tens of thousands of dollars, in the bank. That you wouldn’t have otherwise, and I will personally refund every penny you paid. I guarantee you’ll make at least $15,000, in the next 12 months by using this system, or get your money back.

That’s a 10-1 R.O.I. guarantee. There isn’t a marketing guarantee, like that in all of dentistry, and you know that. But if you somehow managed to fail, for any reason. I don’t care if your dog ate your scratch and sniff, Valentine’s Day postcards. You get a full refund, 100% no questions asked!

I’ll even deliver a “digital” version to your email immediately so you can start to implement this program TODAY! (I don’t want the delivery to stand in the way of you making more MONEY!!!) Once again… if you make the cut into my special “Fifty Doctor Only VIP Group”.

You won’t pay $10,000.

You won’t pay $5,000.

Heck, you won’t even pay $2,000.

Your investment today, is only $495.

(PLUS….I guarantee you’ll make at least $15,000, in the next 12 months by using this system, or get your money back. )


money-backYou have absolutely NOTHING TO LOSE…and EVERYTHING TO GAIN. There is no risk.

Huge upside with ZERO downside!

But here’s the real question. How much will this system really cost you? Like I said… NOTHING.

I could easily sell this system for $10,000, and still be delivering a genuine, inarguable bargain. I probably could even tack on a monthly “licensing fee”.

But I’m not.

If you don’t believe that, drop by a dental marketing agency, sit down with a couple of the “suits”. And get a quote for them, to create an ad campaign, or a direct mail campaign for you. More often than not, those Armani-suited boys will talk in thousands, if not tens of thousands of dollars.

They’ll prescribe advertising to match your wallet, and more often than not, it’ll be lousy to boot. Here, you’ve got stuff that absolutely works. It’s been tested, and the entire investment instead of tens of thousands of dollars and a boatload of guess-work…its just $495 and a whole world full of certainty & confidence.

And as if THAT wasn’t enough!…



BONUS_StempelThe BIG 4 Holiday Campaigns

  • Mother’s Day Special
  • St. Patrick’s Day
  • Valentine’s Day
  • Wedding Season

THE most PROFITABLE and most UNDER valued holiday promotions of the year!


BONUS_StempelThe Marketing Game plan!

This honestly is probably the most valuable tool in the entire “12 Month Marketing Calendar 2.0” This is your opportunity to get on the phone with me or a member of my implementation team and lay out your ENTIRE 12 month marketing calendar start to finish.

It’s the perfect opportunity to get organized and get EVER pressing question answered immediately.

You’re going to be very, very impressed.

If you’re a real dentist, running a real dental practice, then you know $495 doesn’t buy much advertising.

And it’s easy to waste that on just one ill-fated ad, or marketing idea.

Besides, you make more money doing dentistry, than wasting your precious time creating marketing campaigns. So this system only needs to save you a few hours, if even that to pay for itself. Less than 15 minutes a month, in improved productivity.

Enroll with me in the “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0” today.

And super charge your marketing efforts; spend more time doing what you enjoy. Dentistry! This is the“12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0”. Buy yourself a gift that keeps giving, year after year. When you act right now, you’ll get your hands on this turnkey marketing system, for only $495.


100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Do you think that having a true turn-key system, proven to reactivate lost patients, motivate current patients, and get new patients in your door, is worth a measly $495? How could you NOT make 2x that back within 24 hours of sending your FIRST campaign?!!!

I hope you are one of the 50 dentists that do, and one of the doctors that I get the opportunity to work with.

So don’t delay, click the BIG YELLOW “ADD TO CART” BUTTON below…Like I said earlier, so easy a monkey could do it.

I hold your hand every step of the way. Okay that’s all I have for you today. Thank you for taking the time to read this. And I truly hope that you are one of the select few dentists that I get to work with this year. Because those 50 practices should get ready to strap in, and buckle up for a crazy, fun marketing marathon ride this year, and beyond.

Not to mention an avalanche of cash!

Click the BIG YELLOW “ADD TO CART” BUTTON below… to get your “12 Month Marketing Calendar Blueprint 2.0” Thank you for watching this presentation, and I’ll see you on the other side.
